New Site
I've not been able to find time to blog at all since starting my new job in March, working at a startup means learning a lot but also working long hours!
Almost a year and a half after first blogging about vNext/.NET core I've finally written my first (almost) functional program in it. I've changed this blog from a horrible mess of PHP to a nice MVC6 site running on an Ubuntu server using .NET core. The nice part is noticeable in the code, the UI still remains a dumpster-fire.
The motivation to finally get a site running using .NET core was from this blog post by Scott Hanselman which shows just how easy it is to get something running on .NET core. I grabbed a very cheap Ubuntu droplet from Digital Ocean and followed along, all development was done on my awful 8 year old laptop running xUbuntu. It's so nice to be able to build C# apps and have them run across platforms.
Another improvement is I have scripted my entire deployment using a shell script, as soon as I'm happy with my changes I can run one script which will build, package, deploy and start the site. No more tedious manual FTP interaction.
The code for the blog is on GitHub so you can see just how badly written it is and probably hack my terrible home-brew security stuff.
I'm still missing a couple of features from the old blog which I was too lazy to port across but hopefully they won't be missed by anyone, if you want them back (code snippets hosted on this site for some older tutorials) let me know in the comments.